Documents > Will relating to John Pottrell Jessopp, dated 27/09/1924

The below will was sourced from National Probate Registry and was proved on 24/08/1937.

Person of interest / Location Details Notes
Alice Emily Jessopp, Wife Executor and beneficiary of:
· Pretty much everything, via a trust
Westminster Bank, Bank Executor
George Papingham, Solicitor Witness
Walter Beck, Clerk Witness
Graham R Sharpe, Clerk Witness
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Pottrell Jessopp of Hitchin in the County of Hertford Bank Manager whereby I revoke all former Wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me and declare this to be my last Will and testament. I appoint my dear Wife Alice Emily Jessopp (who or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my Will are hereinafter referred to as my trustees) to the executor and trustee of this my Will and trustee for all the purposes of Settled land Acts 1882-1890 or any statutory modification thereof I give to my said wife free of duty and for her own use absolutely all my plate linen china glass books pictures [Illegible] furniture and articles of domestic or personal use or ornament I devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate not hereby or by and codicil hereto otherwise specifically disposed of and which I am beneficially entitled thereto or under any general power unto my trustee upon trust that my trustee shall sell the said real estate and call in sell and invest into money such part of my personal estate as does not consist of money with full power for my trustee to postpone such sale calling in and conversion and to retain the whole or any less part of my said estate in its then state of investment for such a period as my trustee without being called to account may think proper. My trustee shall out of the money to arise from the sale and conversion of my said real and personal estate and out of my ready money pay my funeral and testamentary expenses death duties and debts and shall also pay or provide for the legacies hereby or by and codicil hereto bequeathed My trustee shall hold the residue of the said money upon trust to invest the same in or upon any of the securities for the time being authorised by law for the investment of trust monies with power for my trustee from time to time to vary such investments for others of a like value and my truste shall hold the said moneys and the investments for the time being represending the same (hereinafter called the trust fund) In trust to paythe annual income arising therefrom to my said Wife during her widowhood and upon the death of marriage (which ever shall first happen) of my said Wife my trustee shall hold the trust fund in trust to divide the same unto two equal parts and my trustee shall hold one of such parts (herein referred to as my children's fund) in trust for all or any my children or child who shall be living at my death and shall attain the age of twenty one years if more than one in equal share absolutely provided always and I declare that if any one or more of my said children shall die in my lifetime leaving issue being at my death such issue shall make though all degrees according to their stocks in equal shares the share or shares which their parent would have taken if living at my death and having then attained a vested interest and my trustee shall hold the other of such equal halfparts of the trust fund in trust for all or such one or more exclusively of the others or other of my children or [Illegible] issue at such age or time or respective ages or times if more than one in such shares and with such trusts fit. Their respective benefit and such provisions for their respective advancement (either during the life widowhood of my said wife or after her death or marriage) and maintenance and education at the direction of my trustee or any other person or persons as my said wife shall from time to time during her widowhood by any deed or deeds [Illegible] or irrevocable or by will or codicil without transgressing the rule against perpetualities appoint and in default of and [Illegible] to any such appointment as aforesaid my trustee shall hold such part of the trust fund upon the same trustees as if here hereinbefore declared of and concerning my children's fund provided always and I declare that my trustee may at any time raise any part of parts not exceeding in the whole one [Illegible] of the then expected and [Illegible] or vested share of any child of mine in the trust premises and may pay or apply the same for the advancement or benefit of such child in such manner as my trustee shall think fit. IN WITNESS whereof I have set my hand to this my will this twenty seventh day of September One thousand nine hundred and twenty four. Signed by the above named John Pottrell Jessopp the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us both being present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnessess George Papingham Hitchin, Herts, Solicitor [Illegible scrawl] Hitchin Herts Solicitor This is a codicil to the last will and testament of me John Pottrell Jessopp formerly of Hitchin in the county of Hertford but now of Boscawen of Ershaw Road Hailsham in the county of Sussex Retired Bank Manager which will bears date the twenty seventh day of September one thousand nine hundred and twenty four. I revoke the appointment contained in my Will whereby I appointed my dear wife Alice Emily Jessopp to be the executor and trustee thereof. I appoint Westminster Bank Limited (hereinafter called 'The Bank') and my dear wife the said Alice Emily Jessopp to be executors and trustees of my Will for all purposes. My will shall so read and have effect as if the names of the Bank and my dear wife the said Alice Emily Jessopp had been inserted therein and had been originally appointed executors and trustees thereof. I declare as follows:- (a) The bank shall be entitled to renumeration in addition to the customary share of brokerage in accordance with the banks scale of fees now in force free from duties such renumeration to be a first charge on my estate (b) the bank may without being liable to account for any profit made thereby act as Banks and transact any banking or allied business on behalf of my estate on the same terms as would be made with a customer in the ordinary course of business (c) I desire that the solicitor if any to be employed in connection with my estate shall if possible be Messrs Coles and James of 4 Kirby Croft Chambers North Street Hailsham aforesaid but without prejudice to the right of the bank to consult or employ any other solicitors if it should so desire (d) That all securities title deeds and other documents belonging or relating to any of the trusts of my said Will shall be deposited with and retained by the Bank the other trustee having all reasonable facilities for inspecting the same. And in the case of registered stocks shares or securities the name of the bank shall be placed first on the respective register of proprietors thereof. Subject as aforesaid I confirm my said Will in all respects In witness where I have hereunto set my hand this second day of April one thousand nine hundred and thirty six. Signed by the testator the said John Pottrell Jessopp as a first codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his sigh and presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Walter Beck Graham R Sharpe Both Clerks with Mssrs Coles and James, Solicitors, Hailsham

Be it known that John Pottrell Jessopp of Boscawen, 1 Ersham Road Hailsham in the county of Sussex died there on the 24th day of August 1937. Westminster Bank Limited of 41 Lochbury in the City of London and Alice Emily Jessopp of Boscawen aforesaid Widow the relict of deceased the executors named in the said codicil. Gross estate value: £5775 - 15 - 7 Net estate value: £3497 - 2 - 0 dated 7th day of December 1937
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