Ramblings > The location of "Peverells and Hobsary" as mentioned in John Pottrell's Will

When I managed to obtain a copy of John Pottrell's last Will and testament I noted a couple of references to "Peverells and Hobsary farms" in Arkesden:-

And all those my several messuages farms lands and hereditaments commonly called Peverells and Hobsary in Arkesden aforesaid or in any other adjoining parishes
And further charged and I do hereby also charge the several farms and lands called Peverells and Hobsary
and in such case I give and devise my said two farms called Peveralls & Hobsary with the rights members and appurtenances thereof hereby devised to my said daughter Rebecca unto Thomas Potterell.

The location of these farms eluded me for some time until quite by chance whilst I was driving through Arkesden I came across the following sign nailed to a tree:

Hobs Aerie

It would seem that "Hobsary" has become corrupted into "Hobs Aerie" or John's Will spelt it incorrectly! I plan to take a look at maps of the area from around John's time to see upon my next visit to HALS. The location of Peverells however is still proving to be elusive. The most likely candidate I've found so far is "Severals Farm":-

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